Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Junit 5 Sub-projects

JUnit 5 is composed of three subprojects. Each of these subprojects has multiple modules :

  • JUnit Platform: This provides a foundation for launching JVM
(Java Virtual Machine) testing frameworks. This includes a
TestEngine API that can be used to develop a testing framework
for JUnit Platform to run. It also provides a ConsoleLauncher that
build tools like Gradle and Maven can use.

  • JUnit Jupiter: This provides the new programming model for
writing tests. Also, the new extension mechanism is part of this
subproject. It implements the TestEngine API defined by JUnit
Platform so that JUnit 5 tests can be run.

  • JUnit Vintage: This provides a TestEngine implementation for
running JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 tests.

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Junit 5 Architecture

Modules in JUnit 5 : •         junit-jupiter-api: This module defines the API that you need to write your tests. •         ...