Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Junit 5 Architecture

Modules in JUnit 5 :

•         junit-jupiter-api:
This module defines the API that you need to write your tests.

•         junit-platform-launcher:
This module defines the launcher API that external tool use. Launchers can be used to discover, filter, and execute tests.

•         junit-platform-engine:
This provides the API that you can use to write your own TestEngine. TestEngine is responsible for the discovery and execution of tests.

•         junit-jupiter-engine:
It is the implementation of junit-platform-engine API for JUnit 5.

•         junit-vintage-engine:
It is the implementation of junit-platform-engine API for JUnit 3 and JUnit 4.

•         junit-platform-commons:
It contains all the utilities which are used across different modules.

•         junit-platform-console:
This provides an implementation of a launcher called ConsoleLauncher. ConsoleLauncher is a stand-alone application used to launch JUnit platform from the console.

•         junit-platform-gradle-plugin:
This is a Gradle plug-in that can be used to run JUnit 5 tests.

•         junit-platform-surefire-provider: 

This module provides Maven integration for JUnit 5.

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Junit 5 Architecture

Modules in JUnit 5 : •         junit-jupiter-api: This module defines the API that you need to write your tests. •         ...